Chemical Sector

The Chemical Sector is an integral component of Alabama’s economy that manufactures, stores, uses, and transports potentially dangerous chemicals upon which a wide range of other critical infrastructure sectors rely. Securing these chemicals against growing and evolving threats requires vigilance from both the private and public sector.

The Department of Homeland Security —identified as the Chemical Sector Risk Management Agency (SRMA) in Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 21 — leads the Chemical Sector’s public-private partnership and works with companies to develop tools and resources that enhance the sector’s security and resilience.

The FBI monitors activity in both chemical manufacturing and distribution, watching for potential threats from the misuse of precursor chemicals and other explosives.

As part of InfraGard’s Sector Security and Resiliency Program (SSRP), InfraGard Birmingham Members Alliance has appointed a Sector Chief to service this critical Sector for Central and Southern Alabama.

For more information about the Chemical SSRP and how you can help protect this critical sector contact:

Jesse Causey
Global Process Automation Cybersecurity Leader
Corteva Agriscience