Commercial Facilities

Alabama’s Commercial Facilities Sector includes a diverse range of sites that draw large crowds of people for shopping, business, entertainment, or lodging. Facilities within the sector operate on the principle of open public access, meaning that the general public can move freely without the deterrent of highly visible security barriers. The majority of these facilities are privately owned and operated, with minimal interaction with the federal government and other regulatory entities.

The Commercial Facilities Sector consists of eight subsectors:

  • Entertainment and Media (e.g., motion picture studios, broadcast media).
  • Gaming (e.g., casinos).
  • Lodging (e.g., hotels, motels, conference centers).
  • Outdoor Events (e.g., theme and amusement parks, fairs, campgrounds, parades).
  • Public Assembly (e.g., arenas, stadiums, aquariums, zoos, museums, convention centers).
  • Real Estate (e.g., office and apartment buildings, condominiums, mixed use facilities, self-storage).
  • Retail (e.g., retail centers and districts, shopping malls).
  • Sports Leagues (e.g., professional sports leagues and federations).

As part of InfraGard’s Sector Security and Resiliency Program (SSRP), InfraGard Birmingham Members Alliance has appointed a Sector Chief to service this critical Sector for Central and Southern Alabama.

For more information about the Chemical SSRP and how you can help protect this critical sector contact:

Mark Quimby
Regional Manager: Southwest & Major Projects
Firearms, Chemical Weapons & Defensive Tactics Instructor
Security Engineers, Inc.