August 9: “Exploring the Social & Behavioral Science Underlying Social Media” by John Grimes
Birmingham InfraGard Meeting
Date: Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Meeting Time: 11:30am – 1:00pm
Topic: Exploring the Social & Behavioral Science Underlying Social Media
In the wake of 911, then CIA Director George Tennant observed :”With our ever increasing dependence upon the internet, we have entrusted our national security and entire way of life to a technology that we barely understand.” Now, fifteen years later, should a similar alarm be sounded about the Social Media phenomena?
During our brief time together on 9 August, we will delve into this evolving phenomena, its social and behavioral addictive allure, and the first, second and third order effects its presents for both the attacker and defender of critical infrastructure.
Presenter: John Grimes
1 March 2015 marked the first day in over thirty-plus years that COL (ret’d) John Grimes was no longer in the exclusive employ of any three or four letter governmental agency when he launched Cyber.Kinetic.Weaponry, a subsidiary of Grimes Professional Corporation. As the name suggest, CKW provides its portfolio of clients with the full spectrum of intelligence and security professional services world-wide.
Lunch Details: Barbecue lunch courtesy of your Infragard Birmingham Member Alliance chapter
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Brasfield & Gorrie
3021 7th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233